Friday, December 23, 2011

FOC and Being Riddled with Guilt

So lately...I've been thinking really hard as to what exactly my purpose in life is. I mean everyone has some kind of a purpose and there is no doubt in my mind that God has spent the last 43 years preparing me to do something for the betterment of mankind and I just haven't been able to figure it out. That was until recently when everything in my world collapsed around me and I have once again been forced to restart life, It was when I was discussing the social security acts Title 4 Section D that involves the Friend of the Court and the evil scam that it is with a dear friend of mine....that I had this most recent epiphany.

Check it out.

For 20 some odd years I have had an insatiable desire to study just about everything related to every kind of conspiracy out there. Now, I could go into an endless list of the specific subjects that I've researched over the decades, but that would be way too time consuming. So to sum it up... just know that I've covered everything from Bigfoot, 9/11 to top secret plutonium experiments on unknowing US civilians and everything in between and in doing so I have uncovered a plethora of major scams and flat out heinous crimes being done by government and non-governmental agencies. Yet to date the only thing I have ever done to stop any of it, only benefited me, and eased my own personal struggle in life.
That said...Lately, I have been doing allot of soul searching and pondering as to what my purpose could be.   I really don't think my purpose is to study fervently until the day I die and not do anything substantial with everything I have learned or uncovered. Now don't go thinking what most people why would I waste most of my life studying shit that doesn't matter or studying things that doesn't or wont make the world a better place. The ephipany I had was...they were right.
When I think about that, I have to seriously accept the fact that after almost three decades of research all I've really done was stop Friend of the Court from ripping me off 13 thousand dollars in money I did not owe and stopped them from making me miserable for so many years. So why in the world, did I ever stop?! I mean I had the head prosecutor for kent county by the balls and I fuckin let go. I had all the information I needed to bring to the public attention and bring down the huge multi trillion dollar nation wide scam that will from here on out be known as Title 4 section D.
I look back now with some shame and realise that I could have helped so many people male, female and thier children who are stuck in the cruel and insanely greedy revolving door that is the System. But selfishness is the only reason I can figure for my stopping when the head prosecutor for friend of the court asked me what I wanted to stop what I was threatening to do. Which was correct the wrong they were doing to me and draw massive public and media attention to the scam and force a change in the system.

At that time in my life I was more than ready, willing and able to do just that....I just didn't pursue it any further once my own life got easier. I forgot all about everyone the minute he very reluctantly agreed to clear my state created FOC debt.... I had forgotten about all the families, the children and all single parents that have and are falling victim to the systems insatiable greed and evil desire to destroy the family unit.

 I do know that I've reached out to literally millions of people over my lifetime and I know that I opened thousands of peoples eyes and minds to conspiracies, the endtimes and God. That said...I know I can make a much bigger change in the world...and I think it's time  I do it.

After this holiday season passes, I'll be post a more detailed explaination of exactly how this scam works and how it affected me, which is the same way it affects millions. I'll also attempt to find a way that the System can do what it does , which is generate revenue but do it in such a way that that it doesnt destroy so many peoples lives.

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